Ayurveda Encompassed
A seven-month deep dive journey for wellness practitioners, Ayurveda enthusiasts, avid Simple Ayurveda Podcast listeners and lifelong learners
Held online Spring 2025

Ayurveda Encompassed
A seven-month deep dive journey for wellness practitioners, Ayurveda enthusiasts, avid Simple Ayurveda Podcast listeners and lifelong learners
Take your understanding of Ayurveda to a new level and step into a more expansive version of yourself.
Learn modern tools through the lens of ancient wisdom to deepen ojas and flourish.
Germanic Healing Knowledge
Somatic Awareness
You are looking for an experiential journey, not an academic one. → (There's no textbooks, quizzes, certification, or required coursework). Instead, it’s integration calls, private podcasts going deep, answering questions never answered before anywhere else and a close knit circle of women supporting each other.
Work directly with Angela, talk about lived experience, integrate together, get into the nitty gritty and nuance, and basically experience 7 months of live podcasts with Q&As.
(not looking for a career change) → You can use this mentorship to deepen the work you already do with clients OR for yourself.
One of the best ways to serve others is to be attuned to your own mental, physical and emotional needs.
From this place of deep centered energy you are able to support your clients or your loved ones to make empowered decisions based on their body’s wisdom (You love when your clients don’t rely on you or anyone else!).
You want to learn tools to understand and get rid of chronic symptoms, rewire thought patterns and create lasting change. You are excited to explore nuance.
Listen to Episode 257 of The Simple Ayurveda Podcast
The Simple Ayurveda Difference
Build a personal relationship with nature
You'll be guided to cultivate a meaningful relationship with Mother Nature and the five elements- ether, air, fire, water & earth
Choose herbs based on their subtle essence- learn how to work with flower essences to support processing grief or other stuck emotions
Deepen your relationship with your body through somatic awareness
Tired of looking outside yourself for an answer? Somatic inquiry supports the process of going inward and listening to the most subtle hints. You'll practice in real time during the live group sessions as well as be given the tools to practice on your own.
Access feminine wisdom
We'll focus on ojas, deep nourishment and feeling supported- which includes your relationships to yourself and others
Connect with the essence of who you are
Give yourself the time and space to access your own inner wisdom.
Learn how to navigate the unknown.
You'll practice the tools of Germanic Healing Knowledge, somatic awareness and navigating the liminal space so that you become more comfortable in the unknown.
Gain the embodied knowledge necessary to share these tools skillfully with others.
How the Mentorship is Structured
15 Live Sessions + 12 Prerecorded Modules
The live sessions are a combination of somatic inquiry, discussion, coaching, and interactive practices with opportunities to connect with other women on the same path.
The first six module walk through a path of awareness, acceptance, curiosity, courage, integration and wholeness.
Each module links a Vedic scripture with a modern reference, along with a tool or practice. The module includes an audio (15-45 minutes), PDF notes and a practice.
The supplemental material (optional, but available so you can go as deep as you want to go) includes video lessons, audio lectures, self-study assignments, embodiment practices, written discussion posts and curated resources such as other podcast episodes or links.
Classes are spaced out to allow for integration of course materials.
There is a one month break after the first half of the course to pause and rest. You'll spiral back through the six modules, going deeper into more understanding and nuance. You will learn how to weave together somatic awareness, German New Medicine and Ayurveda.
Module Components Defined
“Even the wise act according to their natures, for all beings follow nature. What can repression accomplish?”
- Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 3.33
We can’t spiritual bypass.
But we do need connection to the Divine. And to each other.
As poet Robert Frost wrote,
"The only way out is through/And the only way through is together."
“It is a transformative practice if you are open to the teachings. This program was never sold or even taught as a path of spiritual awakening, but that is my experience with it.”
"I enjoy how Professor Perger provides us with so much information about every topic, and makes sure to give plenty of examples for each one. Plus, I love how much positive energy she gives off so it makes me want to learn even more because I feel comfortable."
My life has changed in the most profound way. I no longer identify as a "chronically ill person.
"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."
"I thought I was already doing a pretty good job at taking care of my emotional body. But this programme invited me to re-examine my entire emotional terrain, allowing me to find more peace with my feelings in this world full of paradox that we live in. After the first three months, I feel even more ease and bliss in my life. I'm really happy I said YES to this inner journey!"
"The way Angela explains everything goes 100% into my mind and soul!"
It was so educational and so well structured. I loved all the support that we had and the self pace study. I really enjoyed the lightness of such a complex and vast science. This is a truly transformative experience where you will learn the science through real life experience. Amazing course!"
"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."
How I Landed Here
Lived Experience 20+ Years of Ulcerative Colitis
Ayurveda Practitioner, Lifelong Student + Host of Top .5% Podcast
Yoga Teacher Trained in Yoga Nidra, Prenatal, Kids, Vinyasa and Supreme Release; Creator and Facilitator of YTT Programs
University Professor in Science Department as Part of Holistic Health Minor
German New Medicine + Somatic Coach
Trained in Prep + Integration
Mother of Two Healing Generational Trauma One Skinned Knee at a Time
All prices in USD
Frequently Asked Questions
How much time is required for the mentorship?
It's totally up to you!
You can choose to devote 5-7 hours per week toward lectures, reading, live sessions and completing assignments for an immersive experience.
The learning activities and assignments are designed to be meaningful in order to prepare, practice, reinforce, or apply acquired skills and knowledge… meaning that much of your study time will be implementing these topics into your real life.
But you can also choose to simply listen to the main module audio (between 15-45 minutes) and attend the live sessions for discussion, community and somatic inquiry.
The suggested commitments are Yoga Nidra (1-7x week), journaling (1-7x week) and weekly nature dates. Details and resources will be provided.
How long will I have access to the course information?
You will be able to download the PDF notes to keep. You will have access to the video and audio recordings for one year.
How can I use this training?
Who is this mentorship for?
This program is for you if….
What if I’m already certified in Ayurveda?
Perfect! You will be able to go deep as the teachings and use high level thinking skills to apply, analyze, evaluate and create new ideas from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.
You can skip any foundational material you don’t need.
How this works: Each module has a core lesson on the "new" topic and then a hub of specific videos and resources to support your understanding of that module’s topic.
You will be able to jump right into the “new” stuff without prep. You can pick and choose which extra resources would be helpful for you.
You can use what you learn right away with your existing clients or business.
Ayurveda Encompassed is a mentorship program.
A little more than half of the students in the first cohort were Ayurveda health counselors. The other half were taking the course for their own growth and self knowledge.
You are welcome if the topics light you up. Ayurveda Encompassed is for dedicated students.
It’s not a shallow swim, so if you’re looking for light and fluffy, then it’s probably not the right fit for you at this time.
Part One during the first half of the program is 100 percent about applying these ideas to your own life.
Part Two during the second half offers how you might support others. If you are a parent, you can apply this to your children. If you have no intention of applying it with anyone else, you can spiral deeper on your own personal path of understanding.
A main goal of Ayurveda Encompassed is that you become more comfortable deeply listening to your own intuition. Checking in with your own teacher or coach will come from a place of choosing support, but not total reliance.
What are the dates of the mentorship?
The training runs April 15th-November 18th, 2025
The live sessions take place on certain Tuesdays at 11 AM Eastern and last between 1-1.5 hours. Sessions are recorded and available within 48 hours. One prerecorded module becomes available with most live classes.
What platforms does the training use?
Live sessions are held on Zoom.
The Modules are on Teachable.
The Ayurveda Community group chat takes place in Mighty Networks.
Will I be certified?
This is not a certification program.
You will gain the knowledge and skill to ethically serve others as an Ayurveda Wellness Coach. Everything coverd is based on Ayurvedic principles and we will be filtering all other topics through the lens of Ayurveda.
German New Medicine is a tool and way of understanding, not a regulated system. You will gain the knowledge and skill to use a basic level to support yourself and your clients. Like Ayurveda, German New Medicine is vast and complex with much nuance. Like Ayurveda, you can learn to skillfully apply a few key aspects to radically shift how you feel and support your clients to create intentional and lasting change.
All discussion of sacred medicine is for educational purposes only. You will learn preparation and integration tools that support yourself or your clients for the before and after of an experience with a qualified practitioner.
Who is this training not for?
This program is not for you if…
What if I’m brand new to Ayurveda?
Simple Ayurveda Health Certification students say this is one of their favorite parts- the curated resources that provide options to go deeper on different aspects of the course.
Have more questions?
Please email angela@simpleayurveda.com
Disclaimer: All discussion is provided for educational purposes only and should not be used in place of medical advice. Neither Angela Perger nor Simple Ayurveda LLC provide anything other than educational discussion. We do not provide mental health, clinical, or medical services. We are not a substitute for medical, psychological, or psychiatric diagnosis, treatment, or advice. We do not advocate or condone any illegal activities, including but not limited to the use of illegal substances. Always consult your local drug laws before engaging with any unregulated substance.